This control is going to enable us to display single values in a ‘donut’ style that has been popularized in many dashboarding tools. It’s like a cross between a pie graph and a fuel gauge. Here is the source code for the component you can download and examine in more
Creating a Five Star component in Umajin
Part 1 – Five Star Component This is a fully working ‘Five Star’ display for data binding – and input control for raising events. The user can adjust the graphics for the on and off stars. When clicked on, the component will raise the on_up event passing the value back
Using getProperty and setProperty to enable customization of components
Overview The getProperty, and setProperty APIs allow you to gather data stored in your project and alter it as you please through JavaScript code. This can be useful if you would like a project to change in appearance with a simple call to an Action, or if you want to gather
Using getData and setData to enable customization of components
Overview The getData and setData APIs allow you to gather databases stored in specific Components and alter the data as you please using setData in JavaScript code. This can be useful when creating custom components specifically. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a Custom
Creating a Custom Slider Component in Umajin
This is a fully working Slider Component where the user can specify the background and thumb graphics. They can also set the minimum, maximum and number of steps the Slider can lock onto. Then the Component will raise the on_slide and on_up events passing the value back to be used