This is a fully working Slider Component where the user can specify the background and thumb graphics. They can also set the minimum, maximum and number of steps the Slider can lock onto. Then the Component will raise the on_slide and on_up events passing the value back to be used in actions with the normal square brackets syntax (e.g. [value]).
The on_Move is where all the hard work is done in this component to calculate the new position of the thumb image based on the minimum, maximum and number of steps specified.
Here is the javascript and sample images
registerComponent("slider", "", "Slider", "Slider control", "slider_init", "", "slider_refresh", "imagepicker:bkg_filename:slider_bkg.png,imagepicker:thumb_filename:slider_thumb.png,number:steps:0:0:20000,number:min:0:-10000:10000,number:max:100:-10000:10000", "on_slide,on_release") function slider_init(width, height){ //create components var bkg0 = createComponent(self, "nine_slicer", 0, 0, 100, 100) var img1 = createComponent(self, "image", 0, 5, 20, 95) //Bind any events to the main component or subcomponents bindEvent(self,"on_move","slider_on_move") bindEvent(self,"on_up","slider_on_up") } function slider_refresh(){ //set component properties as needed var bkg = getComponentChild(self,0); setProperty(bkg,"filename",getData(self,"bkg_filename")); setProperty(bkg,"border_scale",getProperty(self,"height") / 2.0); var img = getComponentChild(self,1); setProperty(img,"filename",getData(self,"thumb_filename")); } function slider_on_move(x, y, tid){ var thumb_width = 20.0; //get the component width var self_width = getProperty(self,"width"); //get local variables var s_min = Number(getData(self,"min")); var s_max = Number(getData(self,"max")); var s_steps = Number(getData(self,"steps")); //position thumb var p = (x / self_width) * 100.0 - (thumb_width / 2.0); //clamp position from 0 to 100 - thumbwidth if (p < 0) p = 0; if (p > 100 - thumb_width) p = 100 - thumb_width; //snap thumb to steps var range = s_max - s_min; if (s_steps > 0){ //var stepsize = range / s_steps; var chunk = (100.0 - thumb_width) / s_steps; p = Math.floor(((p) + (chunk/2.0) ) / chunk) * chunk; } //set value local data var value = s_min + range * (p / (100 - thumb_width)); setData(self,"value",value); //position the thumb image var img = getComponentChild(self,1); positionComponent(img, p, 0, p + thumb_width, 100); //raise event with a simple json entry raiseEvent(self, 'on_slide','{"value":' + value + '}'); } function slider_on_up(x, y, tid){ var value = getData(self,"value"); //raise event raiseEvent(self, 'on_release','{"value":' + value + '}'); }