Group Component
Check out the standard help for an overview of the group component.
API Examples
The group component is a commonly used as a container to store more components.
We can retrieve these child components using the JS API:
var childComponent = getComponentChild(groupComponent, 0); // gets the first child of the group.
A common pattern is to retrieve all children components of a group using a for loop to store or modify them.
var childCount = getComponentChildCount(groupComponent); // gets the count of children for this component. var childComponents = []; // list to store the children objects. for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++){ var childComponent = getComponentChild(groupComponent, i); childComponents.push(childComponent); // store the component for later use. setProperty(childComponent, "font_color", "0xFF0000FF"); // Set all children components font colors to red. }
See the shared property list for all properties available for this component.
See the shared event list for all events available for this component.